Bringing focus to the quest of faith.

Discuss the questions below:

Round 1 - Naming Questions

Seeking friend: If you could find the answer to one questoin that would help you trust Jesus, what would it be?

Christian friend: What was a time you were seeking God for an answer to an important question? How did you search for that answer? 

Round 2 - Next Steps

Seeking Friend: Are you willing to put time into exploring Jesus? How can your friend help you find what you are looking for? 

Christian friend: How do you want to come alongside your seeking friend? 

Step 3 - Debrief
1. What surprised you about the other person's answer?

2. Choose a way to seek. Study the bible, read a book, or pray together for answers. 

Jesus Calls the Disciples

In John 1, news about Jesus spreads to many who want to come and see who Jesus is for themselves. 

The journey's not over - when will you get together and explore the next step on the journey to faith?